Find Your Perfect Overseas Arts, Design & Media Courses

Speak privately online with Arts Colleges and Universities from around the world. Ask all your questions and get the personal assistance you need to study the create arts overseas!

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What is Talk Global Study?

Talk Global Study is an innovative online event that provides you with an exclusive opportunity to speak privately via video, audio or text with senior admission staff of Arts Colleges and Universities who offer a wide range of courses across the Creative Arts spectrum.

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Why Should You Attend?

  • Speak privately – via video, audio or text - with senior admissions staff from Arts Colleges and Universities and from across the world.

  • Unique opportunity to ask any question you may have about studying overseas and receive immediate expert advice.

  •  Live webinars  on all aspects of studying creative arts overseas including courses, career planning, finances, study destinations and visas.

  • Complete information on a wide range of creative arts course such as Arts, Design, Media and the Performing Arts.

